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Slowly he begins to fade into death, he slips away and lays dead on the bed with his eyes open and mouth gaping.

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The victim kicks out his feet at the end of the body and tries to fight off his attacker but he is too weak.

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The killer then escalates his twisted fantasy and begins to viciously strangle the teen with his leather gloved hands. The killer then gently caresses the soles and toes of his victim. He then takes the young victim's socks, exposing his bare soles. He grabs his shoes and unlaces them, taking each one off carefully. He removes his shirts and then moves down to his feet. The killer then picks up his small victim and carries him over his shoulder to his bed, he throws the unconscious body down and then begins to slowly strip him down.

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His limps flop to the side and his head is laid to rest. A young student is attacked by a masked killer, he is chloroformed as he sits in his chair and he slowly inhales the fumes before passing out.

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